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lasts 6-12 months

Dermal fillers are a hyaluronic acid gel which is injected under the skin to hydrate, replace or augment volume. Popular areas in which these fillers can be used are lips & cheeks, nasolabial folds and marionette lines.


Nasolabial fold                £240

Marionette lines              £240

Cheeks                               £250

Lips                   0.5ml        £175

                           1.0ml        £250

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Anti-wrinkle treatments

lasts 3 to 4 months

Anti-wrinkle injections help to soften lines in the upper face such as frown, forehead, and smile lines, preventing them from getting any deeper. They work by temporarily relaxing the muscles which causes wrinkles. The result is a softer, fresher and more rejuvenated appearance.

A detailed and relaxed consultation with myself and a nurse prescriber will need to take place before the treatment. 

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(Platelet-Rich Plasma)

lasts 6-24 months depending on individual skin type and lifestyle factors

PRP Platelet-Rich Plasma is an advanced skin treatment used for facial rejuvenation and hair restoration. The treatment uses your own blood platelets to stimulate new cell and tissue growth. It has a progressive action and offers a long term enhancement to skin texture through its growth factors and by regenerating collagen which helps restore your natural glow. The gradual improvements become noticeable a few weeks after treatment as the collagen production increases.

For best results, it is recommended to have 3 sessions 4-6 weeks apart, with a maintenance dose every 6-24 months depending on individual skin type and lifestyle factors. A one-off treatment will still give results for several months. Each treatment session takes approximately 45-60 minutes.





PRP   (per session)                     £250

PRP   (3 session package)     £650 (was £750)


What areas can be injected?

  • Full face

  • Neck and jawline

  • Décolletage 

  • Backs of hands

  • Delicate eye area

  • Receding hairlines

  • Other body areas


PRP offers the natural results which I am passionate about and is an excellent alternative treatment to patients already receiving injectables, or for patients who are not yet confident for injectables.


After-care management will be discussed thoroughly with you at the time of consultation and post treatment.





Book 3 sessions upfront 

to save £100! 

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