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Dermal Fillers



 Dermal fillers contain hyaluronic acid (HA) as their main active ingredient and are injected under the skin to hydrate, replace or augment volume.
HA is naturally found in our bodies and its aesthetic benefit is that it has a high affinity to water which helps create an immediate plumping, more youthful affect. Popular areas in which these fillers can be used are lips & cheeks, nasolabial folds and marionette lines.
                    Nasolabial fold                £240
                    Marionette lines              £240
                    Cheeks                               £250
                    Lips                   0.5ml        £175
                                               1.0ml        £250

Lip Fillers



Amanda likes to use Juvéderm Volift for lips which is the worlds number one brand of hyaluronic acid facial fillers. It is a soft filler which integrates well within the tissue, which in turn may contribute to the natural look and feel assessed as a result. Juvérderm is long-lasting.

Juvederm dermal fillers


Whether you’re looking for a subtle lip rejuvenation to soften fine lines and redefine lip borders, or if you’re looking to enhance lips with some volume, then Juvéderm Volift dermal fillers will help.
As we age our lips tend to lose volume and become thinner, this is due to many factors but the number one cause is from the natural depletion of collagen.
Lip lines form over the body of the lips with time from wear and tear giving the impression of dehydrated lips.
Wrinkles develop in the peri oral area, and a down turned mouth can develop giving the impression to others that you’re unhappy, even when you’re not!
Environmental factors such as smoking, harmful UV rays also play a massive part in the way our lips age.

Cheek Fillers


Regain a more youthful contour to the cheeks by firming and defining through Juvéderm filler injections.
As we age there is a loss of soft tissue, bone structure and the fat pads to the mid face, plus the loss of skin elasticity which causes wrinkles to form and the triangle of youth starts to invert.
Cheek augmentation with dermal filler helps to restore lost volume, elevate and improve contouring to the cheeks.
This treatment also helps to soften the nasolabial folds. 


Nasolabial folds are the creases that run from either side of your nose to the corners of your mouth. Marionette lines are the vertical lines that run from the corners of the mouth down towards the chin, these lines can give the impression of looking stern or sad.
They are caused by the ageing process, genetics, lifestyle factors, sun damage and the loss of the fat pads to the cheeks. Even in youth there is a shadow there, but as we age these shadows and lines become deeper and more visible and contribute to appearance of skin folds and sagging.
Juvéderm fillers help to restore volume loss and soften these lines, giving a beautiful, natural looking result. Juvéderm can last up to 12months. 



  • A detailed medical history is taken, including a screening tool to assess for Body Dysmorphia Disorder

  • If medically appropriate at this point to move forward, then there is a friendly consultation where Amanda will assess your anatomy. Amanda will really take the time to listen to what it is you are seeking from a treatment, and make sure that these are in alignment with what can be offered by making a correct treatment plan. Sometimes treatments will be declined

  • Medical photographs are taken

  • Topical analgesia is used on the area to be treated to reduce any discomfort whilst Amanda goes through the consent form with you

  • The skin is prepared carefully in order to prevent infection

  • The procedure itself takes about 30 minutes. As you can see from patient reviews, Amanda is known to be thorough and will not rush your treatment time


  • Stay well hydrated

  • Do not touch the area for 6 hours

  • Do not apply makeup or have a spray tan for 6 hrs after treatment

  • Avoid getting too hot for 48hours, for example, alcohol and extreme heat like saunas, sun beds, strenuous exercise

  • Avoid extreme cold, including ice packs that are directly applied to the skin. You can apply a cool compress to the area to reduce any discomfort or swelling for no more than 10 minutes

  • Avoid facial massages, facial electrical stimulation, derma roller, semi permanent makeup, laser treatment or microdermabrasion for the next two weeks after your treatment

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